Editorial Piece The term digital transformation in the Iraqi context could be a slippery slope when it comes to exploring the tangible... read more
Climate change is the world’s most looming issue, and Iraq is no different in that regard. However, oftentimes when the subject of... read more
It is no secret that climate change is a serious problem facing humanity today. The rapid shifts in weather patterns, which have... read more
As the world warms up, space cooling is becoming increasingly acknowledged as a development priority and an equity challenge. The surging demand... read more
There is a historic and deeply rooted connection between nature and Iraq. Climate change has always played a vital role in the... read more
The effects of climate change on the various Iraqi sectors have become widely known, and they have cast a shadow over the... read more
Desertification is impacting almost 40% of Iraq’s territory, making it one of the most vulnerable countries to decreased water and food availability,... read more
Since 1927, Iraq has committed to conducting a population census every ten years to monitor population growth. The last official census, made... read more
Mark Bryson-Richardson is a British diplomat who currently serves as the UK Ambassador to Iraq. He has an extensive background in diplomatic... read more