Air transport plays a vital role in economic growth and development, serving as a gateway to the international economy and providing crucial... read more
Baghdad, Iraq - Climate Change Impacts: Tackling the Challenge Through Awareness, Policy, and Technology Conference concluded its one-day event, which was held... read more
The Reasons Behind the Glamorization and Inclination Towards Disguised Unemployment
أسباب التهافت عليه وميوله للبطالة المقنعة
Iraq is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, experiencing the worst effects of the crisis while lacking readiness to... read more
لقد كان تطوير القطاع الخاص العراقي موطن تركيز بيئة الأعمال على مدى عدة سنوات؛ حيث تعددت المحاولات والمبادرات والمشاريع والدعم والتمويل لتعزيز... read more
The development of the Iraqi private sector has been the focus topic for our ecosystem for years; numerous attempts, initiatives, projects, supports,... read more
كانت بيئة اعمال الشركات الناشئة قبل إنشاء شبكة المستثمرين المخاطرين العراقية في أمَسِّ الحاجة إلى أموال الاستثمار. كانت المنظمات غير الحكومية وبرامج... read more
Before the establishment of the Iraqi Angel Investors Network (IAIN), the Iraqi Startups ecosystem was in dire need of investment funds.